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DAY 46

Project 9, part 4

That’s another project finished, and at this point you’ve had a taste of almost all of SwiftUI’s navigation APIs. Chances are you want to get back to building apps, but please take a moment to pause and review what you’ve learned – you might not use all of it for some time, but it’s important you at least remember what was covered so you can refer back to it later.

So, today you have another review to test what you remember, and also some challenges to get you coding yourself. As always these challenges don’t come with solutions by me, but that’s the point – as American NFL player Troy Polamalu once said, “I’ve always had the mind-set that no one can challenge me better than myself.”

You have free rein to solve them however you want and in whatever time you want, and you might sail through problem-free. On the other hand, perhaps in completing them you’ll spot a few places where your knowledge was a bit shaky – the only way you’ll know is if you try.

Today you should work through the wrap up chapter for project 9, complete its review, then work through all three of its challenges.

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