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DAY 39

Project 8, part 1

When I first wrote this course back in 2019, Apple TV+ had just launched. Back then, the show everyone was talking about was “For All Mankind”, which dramatized an alternative history of the 1969 moon landing. So, I built today’s new project around that theme, detailing some of the history behind NASA’s Apollo space program.

I also think it would be fitting if today’s quote came from Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon. Back in 2000 he said, “science is about what is; engineering is about what can be.” I don’t know about you, but I find that hugely inspiring: every time we create a new Xcode project we have a blank slate to work with, and that can be whatever we want.

Today we’re learning about the techniques to build Moonshot, but as with all the techniques we’re learning they form part of your larger knowledge for you to mix and remix as you please for years to come.

Today you have five topics to work through, in which you’ll learn about container relative frames, ScrollView, NavigationLink, and more.

Don’t forget to post your progress somewhere – stay accountable! (And when you’re done, sit down and watch some For All Mankind.)

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