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DAY 35

Milestone: Projects 4-6

It’s time for another consolidation day, and like always we have lots to review, lots to explore in more detail, and a fresh challenge to tackle.

As you know, these challenges are designed for you to complete without much help from me. There are hints, yes, but not much more – how you solve them is down to you, and it’s an opportunity for you to approach the problem however you want.

The goal here isn’t just to have you write more code, although that matters. The goal here is to get you comfortable with a fresh Xcode project – to give you confidence when faced with a new problem that you have the skills to design a solution, and the know-how to actually turn that solution into working code.

My all-time favorite quote from Maya Angelou is this: “you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands – you need to be able to throw something back.”

Well, today is very much a “throw something back” day. The basic project shouldn’t be too hard for you, but there is so much scope here for customization and improvement – I hope you take the opportunity to explore, experiment, and have some fun!

Today you have three topics to work through, one of which of is your challenge.

Note: Don’t worry if you don’t complete challenges in the day they were assigned – in future days you’ll find you have some time to spare here and there, so challenges are something you can return back to in the future.

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Need help? Tweet me @twostraws!


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