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Type placeholders

Available from Swift 5.6

Paul Hudson      @twostraws

SE-0315 introduces the concept of type placeholders, which allow us to explicitly specify only some parts of a value’s type so that the remainder can be filled in using type inference.

In practice, this means writing _ as your type in any place you want Swift to use type inference, meaning that these three lines of code are the same:

let score1 = 5
let score2: Int = 5
let score3: _ = 5

In those trivial examples type placeholders don’t add anything, but they are useful when the compiler is able to correctly infer part of a type but not all. For example, if you were creating a dictionary of student names and all the exam results they had this year, you might write this:

var results1 = [
    "Cynthia": [],
    "Jenny": [],
    "Trixie": [],

Swift will infer that to be a dictionary with strings as keys, and an array of Any as values – almost certainly not what you want. You could specify the entire type explicitly, like this:

var results2: [String: [Int]] = [
    "Cynthia": [],
    "Jenny": [],
    "Trixie": [],

However, type placeholders allow you to write _ in place of the parts you want the compiler to infer – it’s a way for us to explicitly say “this part should use type inference”, alongside places where we want an exact type of our choosing.

So, we could also write this:

var results3: [_: [Int]] = [
    "Cynthia": [],
    "Jenny": [],
    "Trixie": [],

As you can see, the _ there is an explicit request for type inference, but we still have the opportunity to specify the exact array type.

Tip: Type placeholders can be optional too – use _? to have Swift infer your type as optional.

Types placeholders do not affect the way we write function signatures: you must still provide their parameter and return types in full. However, I have found that type placeholders do still serve a purpose for when you’re busy experimenting with a prototype: telling the compiler you want it to infer some type often prompts Xcode to offer a Fix-it to complete the code for you.

For example, you might write code to create a player like this:

struct Player<T: Numeric> {
    var name: String
    var score: T

func createPlayer() -> _ {
    Player(name: "Anonymous", score: 0)

That fails to specify a return type for createPlayer(), which will cause a compiler error. However, as we’ve asked Swift to infer the type, the error in Xcode will offer a Fix-it to replace _ with Player<Int> – you can imagine that saving a fair amount of hassle when dealing with more complex types.

Think of type placeholders as a way of simplifying long type annotations: you can replace all the less relevant or boilerplate parts with underscores, leaving the important parts spelled out to help make your code more readable.

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