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Workout Route Tracking with Apple Watch

Forums > watchOS

Dear all,

I created a workout app for Inline Skating (iOS 15, watchOS 8). Motivation behind is that currently Apple's Training App doesn't record a route for Inline Skating. So I modified the example app for doing Skating Workouts and track the route.

I'm currently only testing on simulator because I don't have a device with iOS 15 and watchOS 8. At least until tomorrow.

My question now is: The location simulation gives every time one single location in the respective delegate method func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) you have to process. Even the updated location is an array of CLLocation. Currently, I consider only this one location but my guess is in the real world with real processing I get more than one location in the array. Am I right?

My next question is, in the next call of this method, are there old locations in the array or just the new ones which have to be processed?

I add the samples (distanceWalkingRunning) in this method because I want to show the current distance traveled in the workout. But if there are more than one location in the array my current approach doesn't work. :)

PS: I added the #if simulator line because the simulator seems sometimes to change locations in an erratic way.

This is my current delegate method:

func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {

      let newPoint = locations.last
      //Check if the latest location was received after session started else return
      if let newPoint = newPoint, let startDate = workoutSession?.startDate {
          if newPoint.timestamp < startDate {
              lastPoint = nil

      if self.lastPoint == nil {
          self.lastPoint = newPoint
      // Filter the raw data.
      // Seems useless for only one location.
      let filteredLocations = locations.filter { (location: CLLocation) -> Bool in
          location.horizontalAccuracy <= 50.0

      guard !filteredLocations.isEmpty else { return }

      // Add the filtered data to the route.
      routeBuilder?.insertRouteData(filteredLocations) { (success, error) in
          if let error = error {
              print("❌ \(error.localizedDescription)")

      var d: CLLocationDistance = 0
      if let newPoint = newPoint, let lastPoint = self.lastPoint {
          d = lastPoint.distance(from: newPoint)
          self.lastPoint = newPoint

#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
      guard d < 50 else { return }

      let quantity = HKQuantity(unit: HKUnit.init(from: .meter), doubleValue: d)
      if let startDate = workoutSession?.startDate {
          let sample = HKQuantitySample(type: HKQuantityType( .distanceWalkingRunning), quantity: quantity, start: startDate, end:
          workoutBuilder?.add([sample], completion: { success, error in
              if let error = error {
                  print("❌ \(error.localizedDescription)")



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