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Free iOS mentorship/AMA here

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Hi there,

  • Feel stacked and having a hard time finding answers?
  • An interview is looming ahead?
  • Having the itch to discuss a particular library?

Well, I'm here to help.

I'm an iOS developer with a dreadful 8 years of experience now. Also, a bit of knowledge of backend-related stuff (Elixir, BI, operation, and deployments) if it's your vibe.

I have a waste (and painful) experience in infrastructure setup, debug & profiling, testing, architecture discussions (jk, go with MVC), project workflows, interviewing, mentoring, etc.

I might speculate on how to promote and what to expect from your indie app. Or at least point in some direction.

So, if you have iOS/Swift/ObjC themed questions, there's a high chance I'll be able to help. Though, SwiftUI, VIPER, and CoreData is a miss, sorry :)

Why I'm doing this?

Thanks to COVID I have a couple of free hours and a desire to socialize :)

Why it's free?

Well, it's not (clickbait). You suppose to bear my semi-acceptable English and most likely hear me ranting about my dogs.

How to apply?

Reach me out to book a time slot and we'll decide on a further course of action.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/leg_of_guldan Timezone: UTC+3


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