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Hacking With Swift: macOS Project 3 - No NSSharingServicePicker Warning, but...

Forums > Books

I completed the Chapter 3 and didn't run into the NSSharingServicePicker error that was discussed, but I am encountering an error in the Xcode log when I click the share button while the app is running:

Project1[64468:5502531] [default] Unable to open asset catalog with URL: (null) error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "paramErr: error in user parameter list".

It shows up four times when I first click the share button and nothing after that, but it doesn't seem to effect anything AFAICT.

Does anyone know what causes this? Is it something that should be fixed?

Apologies if this is self-evident/an easy fix. I'm completely new to macOS programming and just working my way through the book to get started.

I'm running Xcode 12.5 (from the About Xcode dialog), but I don't know how to find out what version of Swift.



That seems to indicate that a path to the assets catalog is missing.


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