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Updated Day 27 Questions & Issues. Failed build. Topic: Connecting SwiftUI to Core ML

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hey everyone I hope you're doing well! Apologies in advance if what I write doesn't make sense.

I'm running into several issues, but I think I'll start with the basics of what tools I'm using:

Xcode version 15.3 iOS 17.4 simulator

Update 3/27/2024: I just wanted to let you know that the code given works fine after doing the challenge for day 28/removing the calculate button and making the recommended bedtime a var that returns the bed time text that is shown in the form.

Update 3/26/2024: I turned my Mac Off and On again and today I am still not able to rename the mlmodel file. (Yesterday was a Jen day. Today is more of a Roy day). I deleted the mlmodel and imported it again. I used the renamed SleepCalculator, but today the input is Double for all the input and output; not Int64. No idea why other than I restarted my Mac (hence it being a Roy day).

This line of code works now, and it builds, now that all the data fields are Double in the SleepCalculator:

let prediction = try model.prediction(wake: Double(hour + minute), estimatedSleep: sleepAmount, coffee: Double(coffeeAmount))

However, it still won't show the alert message when I tap Calculate in the simulator.

Error: "Failed to get the home directory when checking model path."

I think what I need to do is start making the app over again and hopefully learn what I may be doing wrong.

~~I wasn't able to rename the BetterRest.mlmodel file to SleepCalculator.mlmodel in Xcode. I got a repository error so I deleted the file from the project then renamed the file SleepCalculator.mlmodel before import/drag & drop into the project. Not sure if that's part of the issue or not. I am not familiar with CoreML... or machine learning... or an expert at Xcode yet. ~~

These are the code and debug errors in func calculateBedtime:

Code: let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: $wakeUp)

Error: Cannot convert value '$wakeUp' of type 'Binding<Date>' to expected type 'Date', use wrapped value instead Remove '$'

Fix?: Changed $wakeUp to wakeUp New code: let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: wakeUp)

Code: let prediction = try model.prediction(wake: Double(hour + minute), estimatedSleep: sleepAmount, coffee: Double(coffeeAmount))

Error: Cannot convert value of type 'Double' to expected argument type 'Int64' Replace 'Double(hour + minute)' with 'Int64(Double(hour + minute))' Replace 'Double(coffeeAmount)' with 'Int64(Double(coffeeAmount))'

Fix?: let prediction = try model.prediction(wake: Int64(Double(hour + minute)), estimatedSleep: sleepAmount, coffee: Int64(Double(coffeeAmount)))

let prediction = try model.prediction(wake: Int64(hour + minute), estimatedSleep: sleepAmount, coffee: Int64(coffeeAmount))

After those fixes the project will build but when I tap on calculate after entering the time to wake up, amount of sleep & coffee amount I get this notification in Xcode and no alert message in the simulator:

"Failed to get the home directory when checking model path."

Seems to be referencing this line of code: let sleepTime = wakeUp - prediction.actualSleep

After doing the 3rd video I'm also getting this error after adding the inflect code for cups, but the simulator works. LOL

Code: Stepper("^[(coffeeAmount) cup](inflect: true)", value: $coffeeAmount, in: 1...20)

Error: Cannot use inflection engine (Checking that the token is the correct type): (null)

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.


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