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Hacking with Swift+ is a subscription service that delivers incredible, hands-on Swift tutorials, so you can deepen your understanding of Swift, SwiftUI, UIKit, and more, and take your career to the next level.

HWS+ costs just $20/month or $200/year, and every article includes 4K Ultra HD video.

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Membership includes…


All HWS+ tutorials as both text and 4K video


Downloadable projects and learning challenges


Our massive Ultimate Portfolio App series


Access to my monthly app building livestreams


Free gifts for every year of your subscription


An ad-free experience everywhere on the site


Video solutions for the 100 Days of SwiftUI


A 20% discount on all my books year-round


Access to an exclusive forum for subscribers


Videos from Hacking with Swift Live

And it gets even better… 🤯

Once you've subscribed for 18 months, you get free online access to over a dozen of my books to expand your learning even further, including:

  • Pro Swift, Pro SwiftUI, Swift Design Patterns, and Testing Swift
  • Hacking with macOS, Hacking with tvOS, and Hacking with watchOS
  • Swift Coding Challenges, Objective-C for Swift Developers, and Beyond Code
  • Advanced iOS: Volumes 1, 2, and 3
  • And more!

This means your subscription grows as you do, making Hacking with Swift+ the largest and most comprehensive membership around.

Note: If you're using team licensing with at least three seats, you gain access to this reading library immediately rather than waiting 18 months.

Our courses include…

  • The Ultimate Portfolio App walks you through the process of building one app that implements best practices for architecture, accessibility, testing, documentation, and more, while also working across iOS, macOS, tvOS, and even watchOS.
  • Advanced Swift focuses on improving your core Swift language skills, regardless of whether you use UIKit, SwiftUI, or something else.
  • Algorithms helps you understand common algorithms in computer science, all implemented and explained step by step in Swift.
  • Custom SwiftUI Components walks you through building a wide variety of reusable UI components using SwiftUI.
  • Data Structures teaches you how to build stacks, lists, trees and more, while working with a variety of common Swift protocols.
  • Funtional Programming walks you through hands-on examples of how to build smaller, composable more testable using functional approaches such as filter(), map(), and reduce().
  • High-performance Apps teaches you techniques for writing faster code, rendering faster views, and more, so you can make best use of your user's device.
  • Intermediate Swift is designed to help push your skills further, giving in-depth explanations for generics, optionals, assertions, and more.
  • Intermediate SwiftUI is packed with tips and tricks to help you write better SwiftUI code, including customizing common controls with styles, handling size classes better, and working with dynamic properties.
  • Making the most of Foundation goes back to the basics of Apple's Foundation framework, exploring how best to use common code such as UserDefaults and Measurement.
  • Networking covers a core topic in a fresh way, showing you smart ways to make your code simpler and safer using generics, Combine, and more.
  • Remaking Apps walks you through building copies of well-known apps from iOS using SwiftUI, showing you how easy it is to get powerful effects with very little code.
  • Rendering Charts in SwiftUI shows you how SwiftUI can be used to build complete types of charts from scratch, including pie charts, bar charts, and more.
  • SwiftUI Special Effects teaches you how to add some surprise and delight to your user interface using particles, Core Motion, and more.
  • Working with Data helps you get to grips with data input, such as creating a custom XML parser, or handling complex or messy JSON.

PLUS: A huge and growing collection of solutions for challenges in the 100 Days of SwiftUI and elsewhere, a complete archive of HWS+ live streams, access to videos from Hacking with Swift Live 2020 and 2021.

Even more courses are on the way: debugging, testing, and of course lots more SwiftUI – I have an epic collection of tutorials coming, and I can’t wait to share them all with you.

Your Hacking with Swift+ membership gets you every subscriber-only article and video published now and in the future, plus an incredible amount of extras!

Browse the full range of tutorials  

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Every subscriber gets immediate access to the full range amazing tutorials written for Hacking with Swift+ subscribers, plus the ad-free browsing experience, downloadable projects, monthly live streams, private forum access, and more.

But above and beyond all that you'll also receive exclusive subscriber-only thank you gifts every year – it's the least I can do to show how grateful I am that you're supporting my work.

This has some important terms and conditions, so please read the following carefully!

  • Hacking with Swift+ subscriber gifts are available for everyone; we'll cover the postage worldwide.
  • The gifts are free bonuses; you don't need to pay anything extra to receive them.
  • There are multiple gifts based on how many years you have subscribed. After your first year you'll receive a "One Year" metal pin badge, a sticker, a fridge magnet, and a coaster. Second and subsequent years will contain different gifts.
  • If you subscribe yearly, you'll be sent your gifts immediately.
  • If you subscribe monthly, you'll be sent your gifts after you have been a subscriber for 12 months. These months do not need to be contiguous – you could subscribe for six months, take a six month break, then subscribe for another six months.
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A Hacking with Swift magnet, pin badge, sticker, and coaster.

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$20 / month

$200 / year


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  • Get instant access to all past existing Hacking with Swift+ episodes, plus new ones as they are released.
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  • Pay just $20 a month, or $200 for a yearly subscription.

To subscribe or start a free trial, please click the button below to sign in to Hacking with Swift.

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Does this subscription give me all your books?

The articles produced for Hacking with Swift+ are all new and exclusive to subscribers, but after subscribing for 18 months you'll also gain free online access to over a dozen of my books. This means your subscription grows as you do, making Hacking with Swift+ the largest and most comprehensive subscription around.

Can I share one account with my whole team?

No, this is not allowed – each member of your team needs their own subscription, just like they would need their own Netflix or Apple Music accounts. If you want your whole team to have a Hacking with Swift+ account, please change the number of licensed seats upwards from 1 when subscribing.

How is a team subscription different from an individual subscription?

When you subscribe with at least three seats, all members of your team gain immediate access to the Hacking with Swift reading library, rather than waiting 18 months – that's over a dozen of my books to maximise your team's learning.

What are the free gifts?

Each year of your subscription we'll mail out free gifts, as a thank you for supporting the site. These include pin metal badges, magnets, stickers, coasters, and more – we think you'll love them! If you take out an annual subscription, we send out your first year's gifts immediately.

What happens in the monthly live streams?

Every Hacking with Swift+ subscriber is invited to join my private monthly live streams on YouTube, where I build a complete app from scratch while answering questions along the way. This is your chance to get involved and explore projects being written live, and these streams are always hugely popular.

What happens if I miss a live stream?

All live streams are recorded, and posted onto the main Hacking with Swift+ site afterwards. Even better, they include a full transcript alongside, so if you prefer text tutorials to video tutorials you have that option.

How do I remove adverts from the site?

Every subscriber can enjoy an ad-free experience on Hacking with Swift – all you need to do is log in, and the site will automatically remove the adverts. To give you the fastest reading experience, we also remove the gray bar under the menu, plus the right-hand bar that sits next to every article.

Is Hacking with Swift+ suitable for absolute beginners?

If you're an absolute beginner you should start with my free 100 Days of SwiftUI course, which teaches you the fundamentals of Swift and SwiftUI. However, Hacking with Swift+ includes complete solutions to all the checkpoints and milestones in the 100 Days of SwiftUI series, making it the perfect companion as you're learning.

What's more, Hacking with Swift+ will grow with you once you've finished learning – it has a wide range of intermediate to advanced Swift techniques and tutorials that will keep pushing your skills further, no matter what your goal.

Some sites claim to have thousands of videos – why is HWS+ better?

Hacking with Swift+ focuses firmly on two things:

  1. Giving you the depth you need to get a strong grasp of each topic. Where other sites make hundreds of three or four minute videos that touch lightly on each subject, we prefer to go into much more detail – 20 or 30 minutes, and often longer – so you get to understand why things work as well as how.
  2. We teach Swift, Swift, and more Swift. We don't do Kotlin, we aren't interested in Dart, we won't try to squeeze in Flutter, and you won't find any React Native. That's not to say those other technologies aren't interesting, only that you're here to take your Swift skills further and that's exactly what we care about most.

How much does it cost?

Hacking with Swift+ costs $20 a month or $200 a year, per seat. Your membership includes all subscriber-only videos and articles available now and published in the future, for as long as your membership remains active. You can cancel your membership at any time, and your access will continue until your term ends.

What's the difference between Monthly and Yearly subscriptions?

Hacking with Swift+ is $20 per month, and you can cancel whenever you want. If you intend to work through many articles and really push your learning forward, you should consider the yearly subscription option, which is $200 for 12 months – a saving of $40.

Both tiers get access to exactly the same high-quality videos, articles, and source code. The only difference is that with the Yearly tier you save $40 every year, making it better value for money.

Are there exercises?

Yes! Many Hacking with Swift+ articles end with challenges to help you take your learning further – code to try, problems to solve, questions to consider, and more.

Why do I need a Hacking with Swift account?

Your Hacking with Swift account links your Gumroad purchase to this site, so we can unlock your subscription. This account also allows you to post to the forums if you want to.

Can I switch from a Monthly to Yearly subscription?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time, and we'll discount the annual subscription based on how much of your monthly subscription remains.

How can I cancel my subscription?

If at any point you want to cancel your Hacking with Swift+ subscription, you can do so directly through your Gumroad account. Your access to the subscriber-only content will remain active until your subscription term ends, at which point it will cease.

Will there be sales tax or VAT added to the price?

If you live in a country or state where tax is applied to digital purchases, that will be added to your subscription price. As you might imagine there isn't a lot I can do about that.

Will you still make free tutorials?

Yes, absolutely! I believe it's important to help everyone learn, so I will still be publishing as many free tutorials as I can. This won't be affected by Hacking with Swift+.

Here's a sample of what's waiting for you…

Optimizing for macOS



Optimizing for macOS

UPDATED: Now that our app is all built, let's take a look at optimizing it for macOS – tailoring our Swift code to make the most of the Mac platform, rather than just running in iPad compatibility mode.

Rock, Paper, Scissors



Rock, Paper, Scissors

This challenge asks you to build a fun brain game using all the SwiftUI skills you’ve learned so far. Let’s tackle it now…

Cupcake Corner



Cupcake Corner

This challenge asks you to upgrade the form validation, add a user-facing error, then make the app remember the user's delivery details using UserDefaults. Let’s tackle it now…

What is UserDefaults good for? What is UserDefaults not good for?



What is UserDefaults good for? What is UserDefaults not good for?

UserDefaults is the simplest way of storing user data, which makes it appealing for beginners, but also useful for even experienced developers who need a sensible place to stash away user preferences. However, it has downsides, and it’s important you’re familiar with them if you want to answer this question well.

iPadOS sidebars and labels



iPadOS sidebars and labels

We’re going to implement your sidebar knowledge in Journeys so you can see it in action, then move on to examine the new Label view in iOS 14.

How can an observable object announce changes to SwiftUI?



How can an observable object announce changes to SwiftUI?

Getting observable objects right is one of the keys to having a smooth experience with SwiftUI, but getting them wrong is a sure-fire recipe for massive performance problems no matter what platform you’re writing for.

Remaking the welcome screen



Remaking the welcome screen

Few things in SwiftUI are quite so easy and yet quite so rewarding as rebuilding Apple’s welcome screens. In this article we’ll do just that, making it flexible enough to adapt easily for your own apps.





This challenge asks you to disable options when they don't make sense, add more sliders to control effects, and add three extra filters of your choice. Let’s tackle it now…





In this stream we’re going to build a two-player word game where players must make unique words using the same grid – it doesn’t take much to get started, but getting it polished is trickier!

Animation Explorer



Animation Explorer

In this stream we’re going to build an app to help visualize animation curves. That means combining SwiftUI and Swift Charts to create something simple but beautiful – this leverages a real range of techniques at once!

Barking with Swift



Barking with Swift

To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Hacking with Swift+, here is a collection of times my dogs were convinced they were the real stars of the show. I’ve uncropped my webcam for maximum dog action!

Implementing App Clips in a real app



Implementing App Clips in a real app

Now that you understand how App Clips work, in this part we’ll apply them to our Barking Lot app so you can see them in action with real code.

Disclosure indicators, paging TabView, and grids



Disclosure indicators, paging TabView, and grids

In this part we’ll be exploring three important additions to SwiftUI from WWDC20, then starting to integrate them into our app.

Cleaning up CloudKit, part 3



Cleaning up CloudKit, part 3

The last part of cleaning up CloudKit involves upgrading our Awards to include chat messages, updating our localization to include all the new UI we’ve added, and fixing a small SwiftUI bug – just enough to leave CloudKit in good shape before we move on.

Instant sync and save



Instant sync and save

UPDATED: Right now we trigger a save when our user takes a dramatic action such as adding a tag or deleting an issue, but we don’t want to trigger a save for every letter they press while editing an issue title. So, how can we make sure data is safe while also avoiding too much work?

Getting the most from Canvas



Getting the most from Canvas

SwiftUI’s Canvas view is an extremely fast and efficient way to render custom graphics, but it’s also powerful – if you know what you’re doing you can unlock a huge amount of extra functionality to get the exact effect you’re looking for. Let’s look at six techniques here…

Why opaque return types are so important



Why opaque return types are so important

Opaque return types are a powerful feature in Swift, and are also critically important for writing SwiftUI. In this article I’ll be explaining how they work, and why they give us more power than returning a simple protocol.

Friendface, part 1



Friendface, part 1

This challenge asks you to create an app that downloads and decodes JSON from the internet, then shows it in a list. Let’s tackle it now…

Creating a second widget



Creating a second widget

UPDATED: In this follow-on article we’re going to up our widget game by adding a second, more complex widget and exploring some configuration options that help our widgets work better on-screen.

Layout and Geometry



Layout and Geometry

This challenge asks you make views fade out, scale down, and change their color, all synchronized with the movement in our ScrollView. Let’s tackle it now…

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